We are a strong, diverse, caring community of faith, with
a commitment to inclusion, outreach and social justice.

'FPC Matawan' Tagged Posts


2023 Scholarship Awards

Applications for the 2023 Scholarship Awards are now being accepted. Applications must be filled out by the applicated and accompanied with answers to questions #7, 8, & 9. The deadline for submitting is May 31st. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Kris Schoelkopf or the Church Office. Scholarship Application

Sellar Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School Returns!

You are invited to blast off with us for a STELLAR time at Vacation Bible School from July 10 – 14th! Classes are available for kids who completed a 3-year-old daycare/preschool experience through 5th grade. Kids in 6-8 grade will be able to attend a drama program. You can register by returning this form to…

Christmas Poinsettia

Christmas Poinsettias

It’s time to order your POINSETTIAS to help beautify the sanctuary and to honor or remember a loved one! Again this year, the poinsettias not only promise to be as full and beautiful but fresh from the flower wholesaler we used last year. The price cost is still only $10.00 for an 8” pot and…

Christmas Card Fundrasier

Christmas Card Fundraiser

We are excited to bring back our Christmas card fundraiser this year. We are setting a goal of 75 cards! We look forward to decorating the narthex with everyone’s beautiful Christmas greeting cards. If you wish to donate, by check or by Zelle. Checks can be made payable to the church and placed in the…

Children Christmas Pageant

 Children’s Christmas Pageant Sign-up

Parents, Sign up your child for our Children’s Christmas Pageant! Speaking and non-speaking parts are available, and all are welcome! Use the google form to sign up! Rehearsals: Sundays December 4 and 11th 10 am in the Youth Lounge, Dec 18th at 9 am in the sanctuary, and Dec 24th at 4 pm in the sanctuary. The Pageant…

Thanksgiving Bounty

Celebrating Thanksgiving Bounty

Sunday, November 20th The Matawan Community Food Pantry is stocking up for our Thanksgiving distribution. We hope to provide our clients with the ingredients for a Thanksgiving dinner that includes a turkey with all the trimmings, in addition to all the staples we usually give each month. We currently provide food to about 80+ households–seniors,…