Kathy Crowell, a longtime church member and church librarian, was recognized by the Christian Education Commission for 40 years of dedication to the church library. Thank you, Kathy, for all you have done for First Presbyterian Church of Matawan!
Today our friends at Lincroft Presbyterian Church began worshipping with us During each service, they presented us with a beautiful banner made by one of their members to honor our two churches coming together. Thank you for the beautiful and thoughtful banner. It will be proudly displayed at our church.
Our mosaic is complete, and will soon be hanging in the narthex! We made this special mosaic throughout the Lenten/Easter 2024 season, between the congregations of Lincroft Presbyterian and First Pres Matawan! It is a sign and symbol of our becoming one community and merged church over the next several months! The mosaic represents the…
Applications are now open for the 2024 Scholarship Awards. College Scholarships for church members or immediate family furthering their education; whether for careerundergraduate, post-graduate, technical or vocational school or any training. Applications must be filled out by the applicant and accompanied by answers to questions 7, 8, and 9. The deadline for submitting is June…