A Giving Spirit
Fulfilling Our Ministry and Mission in 2022
One of the most powerful and impactful things we can do as Christians is to give. Giving is the foundation of our faith. It is also a leap of faith. Pledging and tithing to the church is an investment in lives, mission, and ministry–with amazing returns! This 2022 narrative budget shows the impact of your giving. We invite you to bring your 2022 pledge card to worship on Commitment Sunday, Nov 14th, and join in the work of the Spirit at FPC Matawan!
Worship – $124,800
Worship is that amazing time where we gather as the body of Christ and experience God’s presence together. This includes our Pathways and Traditional worship services with the preaching of the Word by Pastor Natalie, our wonderful bands, and adult and children’s music program, our Music Directors, our bulletin, maintenance of the Chapel and the Sanctuary, along with the maintenance of our musical instruments
Pastoral Care & Fellowship – $51,000
Pastoral care includes reaching out in love to members, and those in our local community who are facing special challenges, with Pastoral and Deacon home and hospital visitation, counseling, meals, flowers to shut-ins, funerals, and memorial services, and prayers.
Fellowship events build bonds of friendship and love within our congregation. It’s always a great time when we gather to eat, laugh, and play at picnics, church dinners, game nights, and coffee hour. News & Notes keeps us informed on what is happening in our church family.
Christian Education – $57,100
God has given us a great gift! We have children in our church whom we have promised to guide and nurture in faith. Our children grow through Sunday School, Confirmation Class, and Junior and Senior Hi youth groups. Our Presbyterian Nursery School offers quality preschool and learning in a setting that teaches Christian Values. As adults, we also need to grow in our faith through new member classes, Bible Studies, and devotional guides which lead us through special seasons, like Lent and Advent.
Mission – $25,000
In Mission, we show God’s love to those in need beyond our church family. Mission educates us and allocates funds to support our local Food Pantry, Family Promise and the CROP Walk. We support special Presbyterian offerings like One Great Hour of Sharing and Peacemaking. And we support international missions in Northern Ireland, Honduras Israel, and Palestine.
Evangelism & Community Outreach – $57,400
We share the Good News of Jesus Christ by sharing our messages of hope and love through online worship, social media, our website and sign, and community events like flea markets and craft fairs. We engage the local community by using our building to host groups such as Spotlight Players, Arcadian Chorale, Girl Scouts, and recovery groups.
Denominational Support – $7,400
We are part of the Presbyterian Church USA and we support the wider church through our giving and the involvement of our Pastor and Elders. PC(USA), in turn, supports us with Youth Trienniums, special events, the calling and care of pastors, and many educational and resource materials.