Kathy Crowell, a longtime church member and church librarian, was recognized by the Christian Education Commission for 40 years of dedication to the church library. Thank you, Kathy, for all you have done for First Presbyterian Church of Matawan!
Kathy Crowell, a longtime church member and church librarian, was recognized by the Christian Education Commission for 40 years of dedication to the church library. Thank you, Kathy, for all you have done for First Presbyterian Church of Matawan!
Today our friends at Lincroft Presbyterian Church began worshipping with us During each service, they presented us with a beautiful banner made by one of their members to honor our two churches coming together. Thank you for the beautiful and thoughtful banner. It will be proudly displayed at our church.
First Presbyterian Church is once again selling t-shirts with our lovely church logo. There are different styles and sizes available, including children’s sizes. You can begin ordering on September 29th. The cost of the shirt is $18.00. What a great way to spread the news about our wonderful church! Here is the link to our…
We are looking for Volunteers to help with the Craft Fair & Flea Market on Saturday October 14th. If you are able to volunteer, please complete the form below. These are suggested shifts and we are happy with any time you can give! If you cannot commit to volunteering, be sure to stop by the…
Fellowship Hour Sponsors are needed! If you would like to be a sponsor on a particular Sunday (either after Pathways or Traditional Service)? Please sign-up on the chart downstairs in Fellowship Hall. For more information contact Glenn D’Antuono or the Church Office. Thank you for your consideration!
Two church congregations invite you on a journey of Sabbath. Do you need rest? A way to gain renewal, strength, and delight? We invite you to stop. The word Sabbath means stop (working), and it’s an ancient Jewish AND Christian practice for wellness. Engage in Sabbath throughout Lent: February 22 through April 7th, with a…
Thank you for the wonderful memories! Some recent highlights are already here; this video reminds us of some older ones. Most are transferred from videotape so please excuse the lighting and other deficiencies! God bless you all!
Photos from First Presbyterian Church