Come and partake in our COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE that seamlessly blends Traditional and Contemporary Worship. You’re welcome to join us in person at the Sanctuary, on our Facebook page, or through Zoom as we celebrate our shared faith and foster an inclusive community. Beginning Sunday, September 10th, we’ll resume our regular services at 9:00 am for Contemporary and 10:30 am for Traditional.
14th Sunday after Pentecost
Bible Text:
The Gospel Lesson: Matthew 16:21-26
The Epistle Lesson: Exodus 3:1-15
Sermon: “Excuses, Excuses”, Rev. Natalie Bell
Musical Leadership: Chris Psolka
Prelude: “Preludio” Adolfo Bossi
Congregational Song: “Working on a Building”
Mickey Maguire, banjo; Annie Pantoja, guitar; Lily D’Antuono, bass; Diane Doolittle, flute and sax
Offertory: “I Will Arise and Go to Jesus” Thornton
Postlude: “Partita on “St. Denio” Franklin Ashdown
Music by permission: Onelicense #M-401389; CCLI #3071145